25º Congresso Brasileiro de Microbiologia

Área: Virologia ( Divisão P )



Audrey Cilli (IB); Claudia Mitsue Koike (IB); Neuza Maria Frazatti-gallina (IB); Maria do Carmo Sampaio Tavares Timenetsky (IAL)



The recognition that rotavirus are the major cause of life-threating diarrheal disease and significant morbidity in young children has focused efforts on disease prevention and control of these viruses. These are of the sufficient magnitude that the development of rotavirus vaccine is a global priority. Rotavirus are classify into G type based on identification of antigens on the outer capsid proteins VP7. Genotypes G1 to G4 are the most common worldwide, following by a gradually increase of G9 in last few decades. Brazil have been produced a polyvalent vaccine against rotavirus and the use of animal models, including rabbit model, is essencial to the understanding of rotavirus infection, pathology, disease and immune response. Immune response of pathogen-free rabbits inoculated with rotavirus vaccine were evaluated by plaque reduction neutralization (PRN) assay to serum from 0, 13 and 21 days postinoculation (DPI). All samples were tested against each genotype that are presented at the rotavirus vaccine (G1-G4 and G9). Antibody titers were estimated on 60% reduction of plaque count. A seroresponse was defined as at least fourfould increase in antibody titer among 0, 13 and 21 DPI. Our results showed seroconversion of serum among 0 DPI and 13 or 21 DPI to G2 and G3 rotavrius genotypes. However, to G1, G4 and G9 genotypes neutralizing antibodies titers remained stable. Our results show that the virus strain used to measure an immune response can affect detection rates. Because rabbits mimic humans in many immunologic parameters, this model will be useful to more fully examine how preexisting antibodies might affect primary viral infections and the primary antibody response to infection. On the other hand in vitro neutralization results do not always reflect in vivo protection responses. Again, our results suggest that mucosal responses may need to be measured when evaluating immune responses to prospective vaccines.

Financial Support: Butantan Foundation

Palavras-chave:  rotavirus vaccine, immune response, rabbit