25º Congresso Brasileiro de Microbiologia

Área: Micobacteriologa ( Divisão C )


Fátima Maria Figueroa Vergara (FIOCRUZ); Andre Luis Peixoto Candéa (FIOCRUZ); Fausto Klabund Ferraris (FIOCRUZ); Marcus Vinícius Nora de Souza (FIOCRUZ); Maria das Graças Muller de Oliveira Henriques (FIOCRUZ)


Tuberculosis killed approximately 1.6 million in 2005 alone, according to the latest estimates from the World Health Organization (WHO).  Our group presented a new class of compounds and demonstrated its activity against Mycobacterium sp..Here we described the in vitro and in vivo effects of N-(aryl)-2-thiophen-2-ylacetamide against micobacteria infection.

The direct growth inhibition of M. bovis. was evaluated by Alamar blue® method. The bacteria suspension (3x106/well) was incubated with different concentrations (0,1 1,0; 10; 25; 100µg/mL) of the compound, for 24hs. Citotoxicity of the compound was evaluated by MTT method after 48h treatment of infected cells. Mesotelial cells or macrophages were infected with M. bovis (1/1) and treated for 48hs. The bacterial growth was counted 30 days after been cultivated in Lowenstein Jensen (LJ) medium. Cytokines were evaluated by ELISA assay and nitric oxide (NO) by Greiss method, using supernatant collected from infected and treated (24hs) cells. Translocation of NF-êB factor was analyzed by confocal microscope. Neutrophil adhesion was investigated using plated mesothelial cells (104/well), infected and treated them with the compound and counted at Olympus IX70 microscope and analised at ImageJ. The expression of receptors was analyzed by flow cytometer. The anti-inflammatory and the antimicobacterial effect in vivo were evaluated in BCG-induced pleurisy model in C57BL/6 mouse (CEUA, Fiocruz; licence n. L-0004/08), the compound was administrated intrapleural at (0,5-50mg/Kg).

N-(aryl)-2-thiophen-2-ylacetamide wasn’t citotoxicity in both cells in all concentrations used. In vitro, this compound was able to inhibit directly the growth of MTB and BCG and the intracellular BCG growth. The treatment with the compound was able to reduce TNF-á, IL-6, Il-1â and nitric oxide in infected macrophages and decreased the translocation of NF-êB factor. The expression of mannose receptor was increased, indicating that this compound was able to modulate this phagositosis via. The expression of CD14 molecule was decreased in treated cells, indicating that this compound possibly interferes with the interaction between the receptor and the lipoarabinomanan and lipomanan. The compound affects neutrophil adhesion on mesothelial cells, possibly interfering in the cellular communication. Moreover the compound was able to decrease the liberation of IL-12 by mesothelial cells. In vivo treatment induced a decrease of total leukocyte, mononuclear, eosinophils and, especially neutrophils influx to the pleural cavity at the higher dose used (50mg/Kg). Also in vivo, we demonstrated that CD3+lymphocytes presented in pleural cavity increased the expression of IFN-ã and decreased the expression of IL-4 after treatment with the compound. Our data indicate that this new compound, N-(aryl)-2-thiophen-2-ylacetamide, presents in vitro and in vivo, an important antimicobacterial activity and immunomodulatory effect.

Palavras-chave:  ANTIMICOBACTERIAL, ANTI-INFLAMMATORY, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium bovis