25º Congresso Brasileiro de Microbiologia

Área: Microbiologia Clinica ( Divisão A )


Carolina Alves dos Santos (USP); Marcos Camargo Knirsch (USP); Laura de Oliveira Nascimento (USP); Gabriel Borghesan Ribeiro (USP); Thereza Christina Vessoni Penna (USP)


Introduction and Objectives: The parenteral solutions (PS) are used as vehicles in drugs administration to the organism. The development of analytical techniques enable the detection of incompatibilities between pharmaceutics and PS. It is also necessary to guarantee the correct association and with minimum adverse events. Antibiotics agents are one of the most applied therapeutics in hospital practice. Ceftazidime is a cephalosporin with high activity against gram-positive, gram-negative and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.  The major determinant of antibacterial efficacy is the time during which the antibiotic concentration at the site of infection remains equal or slightly above the Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC). Ceftazidime stability in parenteral solutions could be enhanced by nano - encapsulated agents as pluronic F68. This study aimed to determine the Minimal Inhibitory concentration of ceftazidime in 5% glucose parenteral solution with and without pluronic F68.

Material and Methods: Ceftazidime 480ug/mL was diluted according to United States Pharmacopoeia USP XXXI and MIC was determinate using E. coli ATCC 25922 (106) as the standard microorganism and Luria Bertani as growth medium.

Results and Discussion: This study showed that ceftazidime MIC was improved in the presence of pluronic F68. Initials values of ceftazidime MIC was 0.498µg/mL but when pluronic was added the same value was not observed. Recently studies showed that ceftazidime therapy in lung diseases is more effective when continuous infusion was applied when compared with intermittent administration. Because of that nano- encapsulated methods could enhance ceftazidime stability in parenteral solutions.

Financial Support:  Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP), Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa (CNPQ)

Palavras-chave:  Ceftazidime, Pluronic F68, MIC