25º Congresso Brasileiro de Microbiologia

Área: Virologia ( Divisão P )


Bráulio Caetano Machado (IAL); Denise Hage Russo (IAL); Adriana Luchs (IAL); Telma Regina Carvalhanas (CVE); Rita de Cássia Carmona (IAL); Maria do Carmo Timenetsky (IAL)


Echovirus 11(E11) is reported among the most commonly isolated in the Human Enterovirus (HEV) genus. E11 may cause the full range of Enterovirus diseases, but it has been particularly associated with cases of severe disease in neonates. According with literature data E11 serotype is one of the most frequent HEV isolated in USA and Spain. In Brazil there is no relates of usual circulation of E11 in viral meningitis cases. This work has the aim to relate E11 outbreaks in two different regions of São Paulo State originating meningitis in 2008. The Enteric Virus laboratory plays an important role with the diagnostic routine for viral meningitis outbreaks in the State collaborating with the Epidemiological Surveillance Center (CVE) for elaboration of public health measures decisions and establishing new conducts for viral containment. The Laboratory received samples of 25 suspected cases from two country cities, of São Paulo State located in the North and the West regions. The methodologies applied for the laboratory diagnosis were viral isolation using two different cell lineages RD (Human Rabdomyosarcoma) and HEp-2 (Human larynx carcinoma), RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription – Polymerase Chain Reaction) with primers directed to the conserved region of HEV genome (5'NTR), and IFA (Indirect Immunofluorescense Assay). Antibody titration in paired sera samples were also realized for the serological diagnosis. The results obtained confirmed the echovirus 11 serotype circulating in two different moments (February, March and August,September months) in distinct regions of the State. Our study documents the E11 circulation and contribute with further epidemiological investigations of HEV prevalence in São Paulo State to provide a better understanding of virus transmission and evolution.

Palavras-chave:  echovirus 11, Human Enterovirus, Viral Meningitis, RT-PCR, IFA