27º Congresso Brasileiro de Microbiologia

Poster (Painel)
1072-1Inferences about the functionality of Planctomycetes in mangrove sediments
Autores:Araujo, J.E. (ESALQ/USP - Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture/University of S.Paulo) ; Luvizotto, D.M. (ESALQ/USP - Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture/University of S.Paulo) ; Silva, M.C.P. (ESALQ/USP - Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture/University of S.Paulo) ; Cadete, L.L. (ESALQ/USP - Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture/University of S.Paulo) ; Lourenço, M.V.M. (ESALQ/USP - Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture/University of S.Paulo) ; Ottoni, J.R. (CPQBA/UNICAMP - University of Campinas) ; Oliveira, V.M. (CPQBA/UNICAMP - University of Campinas) ; Andreote, F.D. (ESALQ/USP - Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture/University of S.Paulo)


Mangroves are considered an unique ecosystem, that occurs under a particular combination of environmental conditions, influenced by its location at the interface between land and ocean, with conditions of periodic flooding of high salinity. Within this theme, the aim of this study is to infer about the possible functions performed by organisms affiliated to the phylum Planctomycetes in mangrove sediments. For that, we performed a comparison of the Planctomycetes genomes (achieved Gold in the database) with three metagenomes (249.993 / 231.233 / 214.921) and metatranscriptomes (7562.832 / 37594.766 / 50723.794) sequences, from three mangrove sediments located in the city of Bertioga / SP [BrMgv01 (Mangrove oil spill point 1), BrMgv02 (Mangrove oil spill in points 2 and 3), BrMgv03 (Mangrove with anthropogenic action)]. The comparisons were performed with MG-Rast platform and revealed similarities between the sequences derived from mangrove environmental samples and 5 Planctomycetes genomes (Blastopirellula marina, Pirellula staleyi, Planctomycetes brasiliensis, Planctomycetes limnophilus and Rhodopirellula baltica). The genomes that had higher numbers of sequences were similar to environmental Blastopirellula marina and Rhodopirellula baltica, the same occurs in the comparison with the metagenomes and metatranscriptomes. Comparing the features found in each mangrove studied, it was detected that the minority (2) of a total (4195) occurs in all common areas. Among the features observed, stands the high occurrence of sequences similar to sulfatase, a heterogeneous group of hydrolytic enzymes which catalyze the cleavage of sulfate esters, resulting in the release of inorganic sulphate. In our metagenome analysis, the numbers of sequences affiliated with this function were 4814, 1166, 1096, to the mangroves BrMgv01, BRMgv02 and BrMgv03 respectively. These results indicate the possible primary role of such organisms in this environment still little explored in the context of microbial functionality, where the sulfur cycling can be dependent on the activity of bacteria affiliated with Planctomycetes.